JewishMusic Stream
Streaming the Best Jewish Music Online

Poll: Which “half” of Sefira do you keep?


We’re curious which “half” of Sefira our listeners keep, with regards to listening to music, so that we can make the best decision about what to play on the Stream during Sefira.
Add your vote to the poll below!


  1. mindy says:

    Don’t listen to music the entire Sefirah.

  2. Rochel B says:

    Thanks for the great songs!

  3. shmili says:

    Thanks for such injoyble music Thanks!!!

  4. Leah says:

    I don’t listen to music all of Sefirah. WAAAAAAAAAA!

    • Deena says:

      its almost lag baomar….. well hear the best chassuna music then!!!!!! cant wait…..

  5. Yehoshua says:

    I listen to music with instruments after Lag-B’omer, But I love the Cassidishe Ostros Band, so it does not really matter.

  6. Leah says:

    Can you possibly keep playing accapela all of sefira for those of us who keep ALL of sefira? It would be much appreciated!!

    Thank you.

  7. Motty says:

    Great MUSIC all year round! Why don’t you create two options for after Lag Beomer and listeners can choose the music option, or the non-music option??

    • Leah says:

      Good idea!

  8. Bina says:

    I keep the wholelag baomer so please keep on the accapella!!! Thanks!

  9. JewishMusic Stream says:

    Thanks all for the feedback and input!
    At this point, we’re planning on sticking to our original plan ( of switching back to music on Lag B’Omer.
    We would love to be able to have two streams running, one with music and one with acapella, but our system and site currently aren’t equipped to handle that, and it wouldn’t be worth the time and effort that we would have to put in, just for the short amount of time that it would be used.

  10. Leah says:

    Well, then you will not be accomodating all your listeners. But we will survive, hopefully.

  11. Faigy says:

    I only found out about this site on motzei pesach when i searched for a stream of heimishe music that was playing acapella! I only keep the first half of sefira so I am excited that you will be switching back to regular music now! Thank you!

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