JewishMusic Stream
Streaming the Best Jewish Music Online

Pesach CD Giveaway!


We’ve recently had some hardware issues with the computer running the Stream, and we’re planning on redoing a few things on our end over the next few days, and Pesach’s coming, so we’ve definitely been busy here, but with everything going on, we’ve seen a nice increase in our listener numbers over the past few weeks, and we’ve expanded our Stream server capacity to be able to handle the additional listeners.

The increase in our server capacity comes at an increased cost, and we appreciate any contributions from our listeners to help cover our costs – anything we get goes directly towards the Stream costs, and any amount helps.
You can contribute using the PayPal donate buttons that are on the various pages on our site.
Thanks to those who have contributed already – your contributions helps us continue to bring you the Best Jewish Music Online!

Anyways, even with everything going on, we figured that it’s time to run another CD giveaway, in honor of Pesach.

We’ll be giving away multiple Jewish music CDs, with raffles for our Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus fans, and for those who comment on this post.

All you have to do is like, follow, and/or add the JewishMusic Stream on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Google Plus, and then like and share or retweet the raffle post/tweet, and/or leave a comment on this post, and you’re entered!
You can enter using each one of the entry methods (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and/or this post) to get more entries into the raffle.

The JewishMusic Stream Facebook page is here, and the post you need to like and share is here.
Please note that you need to like the original post on our page, so we can track who enters.

The JewishMusic Stream Twitter account (@JewishMusic) is here, and the tweet you need to retweet is here.

The JewishMusic Stream Google Plus page is here, and the post you need to +1 and share is here.

You can also comment on this post to be entered.

The giveaway starts today and runs until the end of Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5772 (Monday, April 23, 2012), and the drawing will take place shortly afterwards.

We want to wish all our listeners and fans a Chag Kosher V’Sameach and a wonderful Yom Tov, and thanks everyone for listening!

EDIT: We realized that Rosh Chodesh Iyar is 2 days, so the giveaway will run through the end of the 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh, which is on Monday, April 23, 2012, and the drawing will take place shortly afterwards.


  1. yisroel rosengarten says:

    bracha vhatzlacha

  2. Bracha says:

    I don’t have Facebook or Twitter or Google Plus. Is there no other way I can enter?

    • JewishMusic Stream says:

      Leaving a comment here works – we’ll make sure to enter you in!

  3. Sima says:

    Thank you so much for providing an option for those of us without Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus. Much appreciated!

    • JewishMusic Stream says:

      We added an “official” separate drawing for anyone who comments here, and just added the information into the post.

  4. Bayla says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Rivka says:

    Thank you for providing such great Jewish music 24 hours! Keep it up! I love your mix of songs and your request option!

  6. NL says:

    Thanks! Amazing stream!

  7. Miriam says:

    Chag Kosher v’sameach everyone! Good luck with the raffle!

  8. Dovid says:

    The best Jewish music on the web. I am your biggest fan, and i will miss you over sefira!

  9. seg says:

    I also don’t have facebook, twitter, or google plus. Can I also somehow be put in the raffle? thanks! I really enjoy listening to your music!

    • JewishMusic Stream says:

      We added a raffle for anyone who comments here, so you’re already entered!

  10. Avi says:

    I love tuning in while working. Thanks for this great service!

  11. Jacob says:

    I really appreciate the music that is played on this radio station. Lots of variety. It’s amazing. I think the giveaway is great idea.

  12. Richard Becker says:

    Great station. Thanks for the wonderful music. It is very helpful to have the name and singers of each song, so I can purchase what I especially enjoy.

  13. Leah says:

    Thank you for the music!

  14. Uri says:

    Thanks for great music at all hrs. of the day/night

  15. Rena says:

    Thanks for this site. Love this music.

  16. Jon says:

    Best and happiest jewish music channel on the web. free of charge. no ads. thanks!

  17. Moish says:

    When babysitting my newborn grandson, the music on calms him and helps him fall asleep. You guys are the best.

  18. Janine Wierzbicki says:

    The greatest music on the web, for sure!! Loving it!!! Toda raba chaverim!! B’H

  19. Janine Wierzbicki says:

    And Oh! Chag sameach everyone, B’racha. 🙂

  20. Avi H says:

    I dont have daytime access to facebook etc. (may your slots keep filling – and listeners keep chillin. chag somayach!

  21. motie weiss says:

    love this site and love the touchpad and palm pre apps, please keep up the good work and לשנה הבא XM

  22. Daniel says:


  23. Yossi says:

    Thank you very much! Keep up!

  24. Moshe says:

    This is a great site!Thank you very much

  25. Yitz says:

    Fantastic selection and great quality! You are the best of the best. Period.

  26. Rabbi Binyomin Adler says:

    Great Jewish music site. A Gut Moed!

    • Bracha says:

      Is that Rabbi Binyomin Adler from Detroit? Hello! Nice to find someone I know on my favorite radio site! (This is Bracha Kahn from Cincinnati.)

  27. Ruchiccio says:

    This is one of the best music radios, especially because of the app for Apple devices.

  28. yosef says:

    you guys are the best, i used to have a very hard time working alone in my basement. then i discovered you guys and its helped tremendously!!!

  29. Menachem says:

    Great! Keep up the good work!

  30. Lea says:

    You have such a great selection! And it seems that you are careful with Kol Isha as well.

  31. R says:

    I love Jewish music! hope i win 🙂

  32. Gabrielle says:


  33. k says:

    great song choices!! i work crazy hours and your music is always there no matter what time! thanks for picking such nice songs! kol hakavod, keep it coming! much hatzlacha!

  34. Debra Kay says:

    jewish music stream keeps me going all day long, especially when cooking in the kitchen 🙂 if only i could hear it in the car!!!

  35. ORA says:

    Thank you!!! I don’t know what working would be like without the JewishMusicStream.Com!! Thank You Again!!!

  36. TT says:

    This is seriously a beautiful website! my friend showed it to me once and i haven’t been able to stay off since! THANK YOU 4 streaming Jewish music!!!

  37. D E says:

    Awesome stream! Looks like those of us who “keep the 2nd half” of sefira will be doing the whole thing this year.

    • JewishMusic Stream says:

      Sorry, we can’t do both, and it looks like the first half won out for this year…

  38. Shayna says:

    I love this website – best Jewish music stream I’ve found. A kosherin Pesach everyone!

  39. Shira says:

    you made our chol hamoed trip rides so much more pleasant with your variety of music! Thank You 🙂

  40. PL says:

    Amazing stream! Thanks so much!

  41. Rivky says:

    Thank you so much for providing nice music while at work. The best part is that we can request our favorite songs. thanxs a ton!!!!!!!! please enter me in the cd giveaway.

  42. SGL says:

    I really appreciate that you don’t have to have facebook, twitter, etc. to partake in the arffle. CHag Sameach

  43. ms says:

    Thanks for a great source of music!

  44. Dovid says:

    What a great way to listen to jewish music. The Google Chrome extension is really convenient.

  45. SH says:

    Thanks for the great music! My friends and I all listen to JewishMusicStream!

  46. Sarah Samson says:

    my favorite website! thanks so much! such a kidush hashem!

  47. David says:


  48. Anna says:

    Love this website, thank you so much!

  49. בריאן בריל says:

    אנא הכנס אותי בגידה CD פסח.

  50. Bryna says:

    You guys are absoultely INCREDIBLE!!!!!
    Thumbs up to you for taking the initiative to produce such an unbelievable site =)

  51. naomi says:

    Great site! Especially the request option… Thanks for the raffle…

  52. Sarah says:

    Thanks a million! Makes term papers less stressfull wen your listening to this websitee!

  53. mendy ciment says:

    the music is great i love it

  54. Aaron says:


  55. Batsheva says:

    Thanks for giving us a great place to listen to good music.

  56. Alana says:

    Thanks for the great music. Even my kids love the mix and get so excited when they know the songs. It’s much better then listening to Uncle Moishy all the time 🙂 Hatzlacha!

  57. Avrumy says:

    I love the site and special by a warm song

  58. ainer says:

    Isn’t Pesach over? When will the giveaway be?
    Anyway can’t wait till sfirah is over to have yr music back again!

    • JewishMusic Stream says:

      As the post says, the giveaway runs through the end of Rosh Chodesh Iyar, which is this Monday, April 23, and the drawing will take place shortly afterwards.

  59. faigy says:

    Great site! listen every day at work!

  60. YUMMMM says:

    I usually like to check what song is playing, every time I go on-line. My friend showed me this website and I have been visting regularly. I have also passed on this site to many friends (even without twitter, facebook etc.)
    thank you,

  61. LEAH says:


  62. Sarah says:

    i really love this site!!!! thnxx so much!!! u rok!!

  63. babby says:

    i love this sight….its annoying to have to wait so long for requests to go through….the acapella switchover is awesummm!!! thank you for all you do!

  64. Moshe Gelberman says:

    can i enter on facebook twitter google plus and here? or is multiple entries cheating? and btw this counts as my post here

    • JewishMusic Stream says:

      You can enter on each, but only one entry per person through each way of entering.

  65. Esther says:

    Hi JMStream,
    Thank you so much for this station, I really enjoy it. Your music selections are wonderful, and I’ve discovered a lot of great music by just letting you run in the background. And the constant work on and updating of the site is much appreciated! Thank you again and much hatzlacha!

  66. David says:

    Thanks for the wonderful music

  67. mark says:

    Love the Jewish music stream, keeeps me rocking all day.

  68. lisa says:

    thanks – my daughter recommended the site and I appreciate the acapella this time of year.

  69. LEAH says:

    what happaned with the miami album?

    • JewishMusic Stream says:

      Things are busy here, but we’re working on it – it should be added sometime later today.
      Sorry for the delay…

  70. MS says:


  71. LEAH says:

    thanks as well

  72. S.R. says:

    Keep up your holy work!

  73. sam says:

    I like your stream, Listening to it almost the whole day. Thanks

  74. Gittel says:

    It makes it so much easier to listen to JEWISH music! You all have changed music in my life! I can’t thank you enough! I wake up to this…Keep it up!

  75. Leah says:

    Thank you for playing accapella. I really enjoy it. I have speakers hooked up in my house and listen to music all day.

  76. hillelKAPS says:

    Yotzai on entering 🙂

  77. Nathan says:

    “Thank you so much for providing an option for those of us without Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus. Much appreciated!” Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  78. Devorah says:

    My daughter and I are addicted to your site.

  79. Yehuda Mann says:

    You guys make my computer so leibedich!

  80. levi says:

    hi i love to listen to your music your the best

  81. PInchs says:

    Brocha vhazlocha alass git

  82. Alex says:

    Love this stream!!

  83. shlep says:

    The best music collection – specially the fridays.
    keep it up!

  84. Rebekah Smith says:

    Thank you guys so much for the music! Kol ha kavod for providing this. I have been listening almost non stop since Sefira started (especially since I have a lamentably small collection of acapella music).

  85. tamar rosneberg says:

    when my sister came home for break she told me about this and it is great thnks so much

  86. LEAH says:

    Was the drawing already?

  87. JewishMusic Stream says:

    No, not yet – we’re hoping to announce the winners in the next day or so.
    Sorry for the delay…

  88. LEAH says:

    what happaned with the goral?

    • JewishMusic Stream says:

      We’ve been extremely busy, and unfortunately haven’t gotten to it yet, but stay tuned – we’re hoping to (finally) take care of it very soon.

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