JewishMusic Stream webOS App Now Available!
We’ve been trying to work to bring the JewishMusic Stream to more platforms and more devices, and we’re happy to announce that the JewishMusic Stream webOS App is now available!
We’re still working on apps for other platforms and operating systems, but we decided to work on something for webOS due to the recent sale on the TouchPad, and since it’s one of the easiest platforms to develop for.
You can get the app from the HP App Catalog from your webOS device, or you can use this direct link:
For now, the app plays the Stream music, shows you what’s currently playing, and has buttons that link to the Playlist and Song Request pages online.
We’re hoping to add more features to the app, but we want to hear what our listeners want to see added.
Let us know what you want to see added to the app, or what you think – all comments, feedback, and ideas are always appreciated, and we do our best to respond to any correspondence we get as soon as we are able to!
You can contact us by commenting on Facebook, replying to us on Twitter (use @JewishMusic), commenting on the blog posts, by using the contact page on our site, or by sending an email to [email protected].